Blind faith or tangible, empirical truth?
Question from the Internet:
“Why do I need God to live a fulfilled life?”
“God” usually means some form of blind faith, to complement our perception of reality, to complement some needs, problems we otherwise can’t balance, complement, or to give purpose to an otherwise aimless life.
And as we see through history this faith can give people handle, direction, confidence, “salvation” after mistakes, crimes, suffering. We can also see how others exploit, harness the faith of others for their own ulterior motive, control, power, and wealth.
The fact that people need faith is not surprising, since even what we call “science” today is nothing else but faith, we blindly believe in our own intellect, research ability despite knowing very well, that our inherent consciousness, perception is 100% egocentric, subjective, thus we have no chance of researching understanding reality as it is. We simply have different theories about a certain reality according to our distorted, introverted viewpoint.
So while we can call religion “faith below reason”, accepting, believing things that reason can’t explain, “science” today is “faith within reason” blindly believing in what our subjective, egocentric logic tells us.
If we could understand life completely in a truly objective, selfless manner, if we attained, grasped the whole process of existence we go through, with all of its cause and effect processes through such objective, truthful research and we saw, we felt without doubts that whatever happened to us and others was purposeful in order to take us towards a final, most optimal, most satisfying state where we reach perfect, infinite fulfillment for all our desires, then we would not need any faith system, since we would know for certain everything we need to know.
What if there was a unique, empirical, natural scientific method that can give us all of the above, without needing any blind faith — by developing, upgrading our consciousness, perception of reality?
What if we could enter a free process willingly, consciously that can lead us to that most optimal, most satisfying final state that we would realistically, tangibly feel, grasp, and understand without needing anybody else to promise, explain, prove anything to us?
What if we could actually touch, understand, communicate with reality’s single operating force, ourselves, through our own efforts consciously understanding, supporting reality’s single developmental plan as if we designed and operated it by becoming similar to Nature’s system and its operating force?