Big Pharma is just a symptom of our “Human disease”

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readJun 27, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“What is a bigger threat to humanity, Big Pharma or Covid-19?”

Big Pharma is the symbol, the symptom of the threat, Covid-19 is simply the reaction.

The only threat to humanity is our own, inherently self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative, and greedy nature. Big Pharma and all other elements of our present human society — like politics, ideologies, economic and trade relations, the media and entertainment system — are created by and created for our selfish, greedy, insatiable egos.

We all live in this selfish, exploitative Matrix we all built together and consented to, as it fits who we are by birth.

Covid-19 is the reaction from Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent, lawful system, trying to warn, guide us towards the necessary self-changes without which we will not survive evolution.

Humanity is the only part of Nature that received the chance to consciously, proactively study Nature’s system and its laws of integration and then consciously, methodically, proactively adapt itself to evolutions relentless flow towards a final, most optimal integration of its complete system.

By that, we would fulfill our unique, evolutionary human role, purpose in the system — becoming Nature’s only consciously fully aware observers, partners. It is for this reason why we are born with an inherently “unnatural”, cancer-like program so we could consciously recognize our self-destructive tendencies and then start proactively changing, adapting ourselves by our own efforts.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.