Before we are hoping for better leaders, we need proper education first!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
First of all, we do not deserve better leaders. Israeli society is as egotistic, self-serving, self-justifying and hateful as our leaders and most of our Rabbis.
This is why there are so many different political parties and religious groups who do not talk to each other and do not accept what others say.
This is because our generation is the most egotistic, narcissistic and hateful in human history. We can observe each day how small – religious or secular – interest groups want to sacrifice the whole nation to fulfill their own demands, or to prove they are better than others.
In order to get better leaders or Rabbis, we need to change our society from the grassroots, we can’t install “better leaders” on top – even if found any _ without changing all the members of the Nation.
While we are waiting for those “miracle Rabbis” the article expects, we can definietly use the teachings and recommendadtion of two giants of our times, Rav Kook, and Rav Yehuda Ashlag, who both urged a proper, truly Jewish education, helping Jews to return to their original foundations and qualities.
Especially Rav Ashlag’s (Baal HaSulam) articles like HaArvut (The Mutual Guarantee) and Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah) should be a necessary source for such education not to mention many other writings these two spiritual giants left for us.
Baal HaSulam also has a unique collection of writings, titled “The Last Generation” that describe in detail how society should function.