Before a Great Transition
Question from the Internet:
“Is the world, especially the West, becoming more moralistic, puritanic, and punitive?”
The West represents the peak of egoistic human development, when all our life is built on 100% egocentric, subjective calculations, excessively accumulating wealth, resources for ourselves while we succeed and survive at each other’s and Nature’s expense.
We thought we can somehow control, harness our egos through different social, political, economic, and governing constructs, we thought we can succeed through liberal, parliamentary democracy, and free-market capitalism but today we see we failed.
There is no way we can control the ego through external ideologies, structures, the ego is much stronger and sooner or later it distorts, corrupts everything. Democracy was hijacked by self-serving, undemocratic political p[arties, the public is brainwashed and manipulated by highly sophisticated propaganda machinery through media and entertainment, while the markets and economy have become a giant Ponzi scheme, exploiting the masses for a very small minority.
What we observe in societies — all the ideologies, activism, different movements — in our days is simply the desperate reaction from people to try to correct things, and the desperate attempts from the “elite” to keep everything as it is.
The West — and human society in general — will inevitably collapse, as we can’t control our maximally developed egos that today run shamelessly rampant.
Our problem-solving ability and collective human survival — in a fully integrated, interdependent Natural system — depends on changing, refining, upgrading ourselves, instead of stubbornly and in a completely futile manner trying to change others and the world around us.
Only when we learn — through a unique educational method — how to rise above our inherently cancer-like nature in order to build “Nature-like”, mutually responsible, mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation can we build a new, global human society that has a future.
It is this great transition that stands before us — either consciously, recognizing why we are where we are and as a result, proactively changing ourselves; or as a result of intensifying, finally intolerable suffering through crisis situations, wars, plagues, and economic collapse.