Becoming conscious of our inevitable, “primordial”, Human interconnections
Although we are all born with an unprecedented - in Nature - egocentric, individualistic and subjective consciousness and perception of reality, we all belong to the Human species.
Moreover despite of our fiercely individualistic pride, thrive for personal freedom, we are social creatures and we can’t survive without each other.
And this notion of total interdependence between people has become even sharper in the global, integral world we evolved into.
Thus there is a unique duality in us.
While on the surface we are all protecting our individuality, we act selfishly, ruthlessly competing with one another, moreover succeeding and surviving at each other’s expense, inside we all have a subconscious sense of belonging, mutually concern, mutual responsibility.
So now, when we became completely self-destructive - with our egotistic, exploitative attitude, reactions towards each other, towards the global problems we can’t solve without proper, global cooperation - we need to strengthen, awaken, make conscious - through a unique, purposeful and practical method - the inner connections, myriad of threads that inevitably connect each of us to a single Human system.
We can’t escape each other and now we entered a new, conscious phase of Human development that is characterized by the notion of “one for all, all for one”. And this is not based on any Human idea, but it is demanded by Nature’s plan of evolution.