At the turning point of human evolution
Question from the Internet:
Why does it seem like the new generation of mankind is starting to devolve?
It truly looks as if we were declining, evolving backward instead of progressing.
But in truth — from the viewpoint of natural evolution — we are developing exactly the right way.
Our generation is the most selfish, egoistic, and narcissistic in Human history. While we can connect all over the world with our virtual technology and even simple people have more than kings had centuries ago we are the loneliest, emptiest, most depressed generation ever.
This “end-stage”, when we are fearing the future rather than cherishing it signals the end of our instinctive, blind, selfish, egoistic development. It is the turning point of human evolution when we are forced to start activating our unique human intellect, capable of critical self-assessment and initiating self-change.
Finally, instead of blindly chasing selfish pleasures, fulfillment for our desires of food, sex, family, wealth, power, honor, and knowledge, masses of people started to ask, search about our actual meaning, the purpose of life.
It is this question, search that will lead us to the new, conscious phase of human evolution, purposefully methodically learning about, understanding our unique, evolutionary human purpose until we will become able to fulfill it.
Our sense of seemingly imminent self-destruction, desperate helplessness will give way to a very unique, realistic, and tangible sense of elevation to a completely new, qualitatively much higher, collective human existence, where through conscious, purposeful integration with each other we reach integration and similarity with Nature’s system, unlocking all the abilities, treasures, blueprints in Nature we could not even dream about before.