At the threshold of a revolutionary new, Human consciousness, perception of reality

Zsolt Hermann
5 min readAug 7, 2020

Question from the Internet:

“One thing, in particular, is really not clear in today’s world: how each little part is connected to the whole. I heard that the whole world is inside a person. If so, we all live in different worlds. Should we get more organized, interrelated? How?”

  1. By now many sciences concluded — agreeing with different millennia-old Natural teachings — that Earth, moreover the whole Universe is a single, fully interconnected system, built from the same particles, obeying the same Natural laws that make sure that the whole system remains interconnected, in a fragile balance and homeostasis, which facilitates life and optimal development. We can compare Earth, the Universe to our own biological bodies with its intricately intertwined subsystems, organs, cells, and molecules.
  2. The inanimate, vegetative and animate levels in Nature are instinctively, blindly integrated into this complex, all-encompassing, integral system, obeying the laws sustaining balance and homeostasis automatically, “taking it for granted” that they are parts of the system, not existing for themselves but only as “cells”, “cogwheels” n a greater whole. While we can’t prove this yet the predator does not enjoy killing, eating another animal, it simply fulfills a natural necessity, its role in the system. In the same way, a prey does not “feel sorry” for the loss of its individual life, it fights for survival but if it is eaten, it ‘knows” that it performs its necessary role for the system. In the same way in our bodies cells are deactivated, activated, they all exist only for the sake of the whole body, nor for themselves.
  3. Humans are very different. Each Human being has a unique self-awareness that is unparalleled in Nature. Our consciousness, perception of reality is totally egocentric, subjective. We feel ourselves in the “center of the Universe” as we observe, detect anything and everything only from our own, inherent self-serving, self-justifying viewpoint. This is neither evil nor sinful, evolution gave us this perceived detachment from the general system to provide us with a unique, “outsider”, an independent viewpoint from which we could observe Natural reality, research and attain it.
  4. From this inherently egocentric, subjective viewpoint we all feel that the whole world is inside us, as we observe, attain everything in an introverted fashion. Due to our egocentric, subjective filters, we do not see reality “as it is”, but we “as if” project reality around us through our own individual filters according to how the world fits us. Quantum physics revealed how the subjective, individualistic Human observer changes the world simply by observing it. Thus we all live in our own personal Universe, which we control through our qualities, desires, thoughts.
  5. In this respect, we all live inside our own worlds, disconnected from each other. We are all convinced — from our own viewpoint — that what we see, think, do is perfect. We can’t convince one another, we can’t agree, we can’t build sustainable connections, and we also cause harm to Nature around us as we do not see it in its totality, but only the part our individual filters let through. And since our inherent qualities are self-serving, self-justifying we want to use, exploit “our world” dor our own sake, as from our own point of view “the world was created for me”, so I can use it maximally for my own sake.
  6. As a result, today — when our inherent, insatiable desires to grasp, obtain everything for ourselves has reached maximum intensity — we find ourselves in an unsolvable crisis. Each of the 8–9 billion people — knowingly, unknowingly, most people being honestly unaware of this — want to exploit the system and others, while due to our great population covering the planet, and due to our technological, scientific ability to destroy, consume, interfere, reshape everything we are causing permanent damage to the planet. As a result, we are now threatening our own survival, directly through wars, societal breakdown, and indirectly by permanently damaging the Natural environment that gives us life.
  7. There is only one solution. We all need to acquire a complete, systemic, objective vision of natural reality, in order to understand the integral system we exist in, to understand its laws of integration. By acquiring such a systemic vision we would also reveal and be able to map Nature’s all-influencing evolutionary plan, with our own unique Human role in it.
  8. To achieve such a systemic, objective vision, to become Nature’s “insider observers/witnesses” is our Human purpose. And it is for this reason that Humans were “created” with the inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception of reality. Perception, observation, research requires contrasts of opposite qualities., we cannot discern things by themselves, only when we compare them to their opposites. As a result, only by starting from being opposites to nature, being “outsiders” due to our selfish, individualistic, exploitative inherent qualities can we achieve our evolutionary purpose, consciously, methodically achieving integration into Nature above and against who we were born to.
  9. This unique, Human development unfolds in special environments, where we can learn how to acquire truly selfless, objective, systemic viewpoints of reality above and against the inherently selfish, subjective, individualistic viewpoint we were born with. With a very special, purposeful, and highly practical educational method we can learn to observe and actually sense, taste, perceive reality through the viewpoints, desires, thoughts of other people. And the more people join this composite image the greater depth, greater resolution of the true, perfect picture we attain.
  10. We are standing at the threshold of this great revolution of Human consciousness, perception, when we can gradually, methodically merge, overlap the previously disconnected, incompatible “personal Universes”, perceptions into a single, all-encompassing, composite image. By complementing each other’s broken, individual picture, mutually filling up the missing “puzzle/mosaic” pieces, we gradually get closer to the single, true, absolute view of Natural reality, while we also rise above the original, egocentric, subjective limitations of time, space and physical motion, entering a tangibly, realistically infinite, eternal sense of existence — while still existing in our present biological bodies in “this world”.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.