At the end of instinctive, egoistic human development — at the beginning of something new
Question from the Internet:
“Have we become a society where we now are only concerned about ourselves and not each other as a whole?”
Yes, we are in the “end-game” of our instinctively self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, egoistic development.
Today we can observe how the maximally developed, exploitative, cancer-like ego is literally killing us.
Due to its total control over us, we cannot even comprehend the global problems — like pandemics, climate change, pollution, socioeconomic collapse — threatening us, let alone find true solutions, while through conflicts, wars we are sleepwalking towards a seemingly inevitable 3rd World War that will be nuclear.
This is in total contrast to how Nature’s fully integrated system works and how evolution expects us to behave. After all, we are born from Nature and we still exist in, evolve with Nature. Thus the strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws that sustain the general homeostasis life depends on are obligatory to us as well.
Our Human advantage, the reason why evolution created us opposite is that we can and we have to achieve adaptation to Nature general balance consciously, willingly, by our own efforts. By that we will achieve our unique evolutionary Human role, purpose in the system, becoming Nature’s only fully integrated and at the same time independent observers and partners.
This unique shift in Human development starts in our generation, with the recognition of how harmful, destructive our inherent nature is, so we could start the conscious, methodical self-development towards mutual integration — above and against our selfish, egoistic instincts.