Article: Peace of Mind in 2020 — from the “Big Bang Theory” to the “IWRI True Scientific Practice”

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readMay 6, 2020


A new story from my dear friend, Ernest Itzkovitch from Toronto:

Even though my background is in QEHS/Quality, Environment, and Health and Safety — today I would like to explore and answer with you together with one question only: How the Universe Began and Where Humanity is Heading in 2020?

As we know, scientific research and experimental development brought humanity during ~ 13+ billion years from a small singularity (Black Point ?) that was inflated (By Whom ?) to the cosmos that we are aware of it and we live and experience it in these days.
I tried to punch in on my (old) calculator all the digits of 13,000,000,000 (13 billion) — but run out of space/room, so my reasonable conclusion was to “try & see” a simplified/more practical method to find out: What humanity achieved & What to Do after Corona?

As my regular practice, I surf the internet and look for “Innovative Out of The Box Science” that Can Secure Humanity’s future?
These days, I will dare to make a rough guess, that majority of us may also ask: What’s is happening next? Why ? and When?

Welcome to the Beautiful & Practical Scientific IWRI E-Conference Trailer — the One Website where I found real answers for 2020.
Since I am an ESL/English Second Language graduate, sharing with you One Quote/Mission Statement from :

IWRI (Integral World Research Institute) is an accredited scientific research institute dedicated to the study of human development and education.

The IWRI Association focuses on discovering answers to fundamental questions about the evolution of humanity. We have a network of over 50 professors, educators, researchers, and scientists in various fields joining together from all over the globe for the purpose of developing a new civilizational strategy of integral education and innovative leadership based on an integral worldview and backed by scientific research.

Finally, I started to gain some hope that there are still Wise and Smart Ground Breaking Pioneers around the world that are ready to put on the front line their lifetime experience and invest in Humanity’s Future — through Integral Education and Innovative Leadership.

Just look at the title of the Head of IWRI — Ephraim Eliav, IWRI Scientific Director, KAMEA Research Professor, Tel Aviv University in Israel. Browsing his profile on the website — it will become crystal clear to you, that “Humanity’s future is in the Right Hands”.

Yep — it is the same tiny Israel that is no space on the Global map to spell its name, but “Taking Care for the Future of Humanity ?” I have to admit that I am very impressed — and have a full TTC/Truth, Trust, and Confidence that these Folks will do this hard job !!!

What caught my attention about this IWRI website vs. other websites? Answer: ”Integral Worldview backed by Scientific Research”.

“Try and error” is our basic method to explore and reveal new things and experiences, but Corona flipped over/upside down,
at least from my point of view, and turned overnight our traditional (linear development) life to a new virtual (exponential) reality.

Probably, I will be the last person in the world to give advise for these Genius Scientists — however, I would expect from them to:

1. Promote Integral Education in all fields and activities in all countries worldwide < We have to study Nature’s Language/Reality.
2. Initiate Round Table Workshops and Connection Circles to create together a new economic model securing basic needs to all
3. Encourage the Human Factor Development of the New Generation of Leaders that will promote/aim for Balance with Nature
4. Organize One Global Virtual Scientific-Educational conference with participation of One Official Representative per country
5. Set One Global S.M.A.R.T Objective — that all participants around the world will agree to Make an Effort for Peace in the World

As a Former IDF Soldier, Salute to the Front Line Warriors to Lead Us into The 2020 Integral World > We Will Help You Big Time!



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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