Are we losing our minds?!
Question from the Internet:
“Why is everyone losing their minds nowadays?”
We are not really “losing our minds.” It is the opposite. We are all increasingly locked and rooted into our own inherently subjective, egocentric, and individualistic — and, as a result, very limited and distorted — minds.
The problem is that we all look at the world and each other through our 100% self-serving, self-justifying, egotistic, and exploitative calculations and filters, “seeing” and “experiencing” from the world only when is useful for our introverted “pleasure/pain” calculations and aspirations.
It is our inherent mind and perception that turns individuals and nations against one another; it is this inherent mind and perception that drives us towards reckless and excessive overconsumption and ruthless competition, where we actually enjoy gaining and succeeding by harming and exploiting others.
And the more “developed” we become, the more “knowledge” we gain, the more proud and certain we become about our “omnipotence” over others and nature. This is how we reached the most dangerous religion of all: the total and blind belief in our own mind and “knowledge.”
And this religion follows and completes the path of earlier religions toward our seemingly inevitable and imminent self-destruction.
Our only escape root and guarantee for continuing survival is a very different developmental path, which needs to lead us towards a seemingly paradoxical direction: to constantly go against and above whatever our present knowledge and perception are assured of, using our “knowledge” and viewpoint only as a stepping stone to rise off, a contrast to go against.
If we use a special, purposeful, and practical method where we learn and practice how to completely nullify and give up our own standpoint, desires, thoughts, and viewpoints in order to accept and immerse into the standpoints, desires, thoughts, and viewpoints of others, we could develop a completely purified and transparent “vessel,” like reformatting a hard-disk in the computer and reinstalling a new operating software in order to accept a completely new way of looking at life and approaching others.
This is a gradual process since the ideal and complete state we need to achieve, the new consciousness and perception of reality we need to acquire — according to nature’s deterministic developmental plan — is not even opposite to the consciousness and perception we are born with, but it is something totally incomprehensible from the state we are born into.
The new mind and perception we need to receive as an upgrade each time have to be increasingly more accepting, loving, and bestowing towards others in order to help us build nature-like, mutually integrated, and mutually complementing co-existence and cooperation with each other, so we could more and more resemble nature and integrate into the system.
And as we develop this way, we also gradually develop a unique, singular “collective Human consciousness and composite perception of reality,” which will enable us to objectively sense and experience natural reality in its total perfection.
If we are willing to go through this process with the help of the special method and the purposeful and mutually committed environment where the method can work — like in a unique laboratory — then we will receive regular updates and upgrades, always going above and against our actual consciousness and perception until we finally reach and experience the perfect Human consciousness and perception which is our true potential.
The “updates and upgrades” will come from nature’s evolutionary forces that are willing to help us change and develop in order to reach our predetermined evolutionary Human degree and purpose — provided we are willing to go through this process as partners without being coerced into it.
Thus in a way, we have to actually agree to “lose our minds” and gain a new mind each time anew, as we progress on this special path of conscious and purposeful Human development from now on.