Are we actually capable of unity, empathy, and solidarity by default?!
Question from the Internet:
“It refers to having a sense of belonging to a common humanity, with shared values and responsibilities, empathy, solidarity and respect for differences and diversity, and having a sense of responsibility for the future?”
We are a “bit schizophrenic” in this regard.
On one hand, it is becoming more and more sharp and obvious that we belong to single humanity, that we evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent system and we are also very much integral parts of Nature.
The pandemic, climate change caused weather events, the global socio-economic crisis, supply issues, pollution are all ever-growing signs of this inevitable integration and total interdependence.
But as our reactions to all of these problems show at the same time, we still react, assess, and try to solve everything from our inherently egocentric, selfish, subjective point of view. We still try to succeed, survive at each other’s and at Nature’s expense.
Thus at the moment when we speak about belonging, shared values, empathy, and solidarity, these remain empty slogans. When it comes to actual actions, actual, positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing action, our selfish, subjective benefit is still more important than the well-being, future of the whole collective.
As great sages expressed, “what we say with our mouth does not reflect what is in our heart”. In our hearts, we still operate according to instinctive self-love, self-service in any given situation.
This is neither a sin nor are we evil. We are born with such an “unnatural”, mutually separating, introverted form, to have the opportunity to consciously, purposefully change, upgrade ourselves. Nature created us with an “unfinished”, raw internal program, so we could take our own development into our own hands and take our future, our fate into our own hands.
By recognizing this absolute need for self-change (instead of trying to change and correct others), by methodically performing the fundamental self-correction, we can become Nature’s only conscious, integrated but independent observers and partners — as we gradually mutually integrate with each other and by that we also integrate into Nature.