Are there any “unsolved mysteries or problems?”
Question from the Internet:
“Which unsolved mystery or problem would you like the answer to if you could solve only one?”
There are no “unsolvable” problems or mysteries. There are problems or mysteries we cannot solve because we do not understand or want to discard the root cause of them.
And actually, all our problems have the same root cause. And since we still do not recognize the root cause, or we try to ignore the root cause, we find our problems unsolvable.
It seems that we still believe that we can solve humanity’s problems through political, economic, social, or military means. We still try to change, revive and rescue our already failed ideologies and philosophies; we keep changing and reshuffling our religions. We keep lurching from right to left and from left to right; we try to be conservative or liberal and keep failing all the time.
And all along, we keep ignoring our inherent human nature as the root cause since if we acknowledged that our inherent nature is the problem, then we would need to change ourselves, which is the last thing we want to do. We would rather scorch the Earth, destroy everything and everybody, and even sacrifice our own physical existence than acknowledge that we need to change ourselves.
Only when we have already, humbly, recognized and acknowledged that the root cause of every problem humanity has ever encountered and suffered from — including our own generation — is the inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic nature can we find the right and effective solution.
And this solution is the willing, conscious, and purposeful “upgrade” and further development of our own inherent “software.” When we learn and practice how to behave and exist for the sake of others, for the benefit and well-being of humanity and the whole natural system — above and against our inherent nature — we will be able to comprehend and immediately solve all our problems.
After all, all our problems are the result of the constant and increasing strife, conflict, and war between individuals and nations. We keep excessively accumulating and overconsuming everything for ourselves because we cannot trust others and want to prove ourselves above and against others.
Thus when we perform the above-mentioned self-upgrade and become capable of mutually integrating and mutually complementing one another and thus become similar to nature’s mutually integrated and mutually complementing system, we will easily find the solution to each and every past and present problem and prevent new ones.
If we recognize and remedy the root cause of all “unsolved mysteries and problems,” by that, we solve all of them.