An innovative approach to problem-solving
Question from the Internet:
“What is an innovative approach to problem-solving?”
An innovative approach to problem-solving must include finding the root cause of the problem. After all, if we do not have the right, irrefutable diagnosis, how can we treat the problem?
For millennia, humanity has been consciously or unconsciously refusing to look for the root cause of all the problems ailing human societies and civilizations. As a result, human history is a helplessly recurring chain of constantly worsening vicious cycles.
Only 77 years after the Second World War ended, we are facing a Third, probably nuclear world war. At the same time, we are desperately helpless in comprehending, let alone solving, our mounting problems in relation to economy, politics, societies or Nature in general.
Of course, honestly recognizing and trying to solve the root cause requires bravery and a certain level of humility since the root cause is within us, in each and every one of us.
We can trace each and every problem humanity has ever encountered and encounters today to our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and exploitative nature — which has been growing and intensifying during human history.
But since our ego very shrewdly justifies itself in any given situation and we constantly see blame and crimes in others while relieving ourselves of any responsibility, all our efforts and solutions so far have been focusing on changing, correcting or destroying others while providing our right all the time.
We can look back at history or look at all the events unfolding today to see how much it is true.
So the biggest and crucially necessary innovation in problem-solving is to turn our focus and examination inside, to search for the root cause of any problems within ourselves. Then, when we also develop a great, irrepressible need and desire to correct and further develop ourselves in order to solve problems and prevent new ones, then we will come to actual solutions.