America on the brink
Question from the Internet:
“I‘m so scared about the next election. Can anyone explain to me what will likely happen, good or bad?”
If it looks bad to you from the inside — I assume you are an American — trust me, it looks even worse from the outside.
I mean how can the leading nation in the world come to this, that for the second time running they have candidates nobody in their right mind would vote for if there were other options?!
I admit I — as a non-American — was happy about Trump’s election 4 years ago, and to be fair to him, he never had a chance as was hounded from day zero. I thought he had some good ideas, especially in relation to foreign policy, also recognizing the distorted ways “globalization” was used, misused. He wanted to truly improve American trade relations towards Europe, China, for example, and he raised some very important questions in general questioning the politically correct propaganda poisoning the world we should have all explored.
But as a result of the hate campaign orchestrated against him, and due to his narcissistic, petulant character, he could not get his ideas across. And now, during the pandemic, and the latest protests he clearly showed that he is not fit to be a leader, he can’t even create a team around himself he can work with, in a confident, sustainable manner, apart from a handful of people. He can’t find a connection with people, to offer them hope, vision.
But from the other side the situation is even worse. The Democrats spent almost 4 years to try to remove Trump from office with any legal, illegal, and non-democratic means they could use and failed. They have completely degenerated into a hateful mob that has no direction, program. They themselves unfairly disposed of their only popular candidate with a perceptible program, direction for the second election running.
And now when they had a chance to defeat Trump by clear, democratic means at the polls, they have nominated Joe Biden as their best candidate?! Apart from overwhelmingly manipulating the media, entertainment industry, celebrities, they do not even have a candidate that can at least make a “nice speech” let alone showing a program leading them out of a perpetual crisis!
This will be the ugliest elections in US history and whatever the outcome the future is even darker.
America needs a complete rethink, restart, and hopefully, this will happen without violence, even civil war.
Unfortunately, there are powerful interest groups in the US who obviously don’t care in what way they grab power. And as usual, when there is internal turmoil they will also seek war externally as the only solution to shift focus from their terrible inner state.
And that means a possible world war in a globally integrated, interdependent world.
Thus there is a great responsibility for the American people, and honestly, I wouldn’t know what to advise them.
The only solution seems to be for the people to wake up finally and start thinking for themselves, instead of blindly accepting the brainwash, remote control they have been under for decades. They are a very diverse nation with multiple fault-lines and instead of being a great example of integrating different races, nationalities into a single entity, now they show the example of egotistic “baseless” hatred that destroys nations.
The individualistic, illusory American Dream is over, but instead of a terrible nightmare the American people could still find a better path, they could still show an example to others by forgetting about the partisanship, rising above their differences — which will not go away — and learn how to integrate for the sake of collective survival, collective prosperity.