America can become a positive example for the world!
Question from the Internet:
“Is there any hope for this country, United States? Will we ever be united and care for one another, or is life as we know it completely over?”
Not only there is hope for America, but they could become a much needed example for the whole world — instead of showing the negative example we see right now.
The US is a very unique nation, assembled together without any cultural, genetic commonality, people emigrating there in the hope of a better life, all chasing the “American Dream".
The US thus became a very unique mixture of different cultures, nationalities, potentially beginning a special melting pot. For different reasons it didn’t happen and now the country is almost on the brink of a civil war as individualism, partisanship, inequality, racism and the constant manipulation of the masses invoked uncontrollable hatred between people, between fractions of people.
There is no direct solution for this. Our individual differences, diversity, the mutual distrust and hate cannot be suppressed or erased, and restrictions, revenge, political correctness, silencing some groups will only grow the separation and hatred.
The only solution is a very unique unity, that is built above the remaining, even growing differences, by finding common goals, purposes that can be made more important than an the other issues that reject people from each other.
At this stage such a common goal is survival as neither America, nor the rest of the world can continue with this mutually exploitative, ruthlessly competitive, exclusive way, where everybody succeeds at the expense of others.
In this globally integrated, interdependent world we can’t solve problems, we can’t survive like this.
Thus we need a very special education, a method that can help us make peace above hate, when our unique differences won’t destruct, but complement each other and thus we build something qualitatively much greater, higher.
America could do this first and then become the new, this time benevolent leaders, positive superpower of the world!