“All is vanity!”
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
I am sorry to say that this article echoes King Solomon’s writing, “All is vanity.”
If we are thinking about “how to forgive God for abandoning the Jewish people, we are still very far from “being the best Jews ever.” We do not even understand who we are and what our relationship with God is.
We made a covenant with God; we pledged to “do and hear” at Sinai; we accepted His laws and His Torah on the basis of creating and sustaining a Nation in absolute unity and mutual guarantee, “as One mand with One heart.”
It is we who abandoned this covenant and pledge through the erupting “unfounded hatred” between us, allowing this instinctive “brotherly hate” to destroy our Nation and our Temple.
The rest until now is just vanities. As in a famous parable, we sold the sword and the shield we received from God, and we proudly and foolishly created our own swords and shields, believing that we can protect ourselves and prosper without our original covenant with God, which covenant depends on the single most important precept of the Torah, “Love your friend as yourself.”
It does not matter how foolishly we list our “achievements” and demand consolation and retribution.
We are still sinning against God and everybody else (not fulfilling our role) because we are still forsaking the only possible foundation for our Nation, our unity and mutual guarantee.
Based on this article, it seems another opportunity to make honest self-scrutiny and pledge to a true restart and renew ourselves passed in vain.