Again I agree with most of your observations, especially with the observation that humanity is a single entity, but one where we are all very diverse and unique.
I simply would like to go a level below you stand on. Economics, trade is simply the external expression of human interactions. We understood early on that we have to live off each other as mutual cooperation, trade is much more effective than a single person, single family trying to survive on their own.
By now this mutual cooperation has become global.
Still, as we are all driven by an inherently self-serving, subjective, individualistic program, and knowingly or unknowingly we all succeed and survive at each other's and Nature’s expense, on the level of social, economic and social systems all our interactions will remain selfish, egoistic, exploitative, regardless of what we call them, what ideology, a philosophy we use to describe and justify them.
This is why — if we want to change things — we have to go down to the level of the root cause and change human nature, upgrade our inner software.
And this does not require humans all being the same or even being equal. True equality is relative, according to each person’s unique, individual qualities, talents, and conditions, each finding their most optimal, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing role, purpose in society and for that justly, proportionately receiving exactly what they need for the mutual contribution.
This is where we need the special, purposeful education, to help us learn how to harness, channel our inherent ego, qualities and talents in a positive way, without suppressing, erasing anything.
This is all possible, after all, we have the perfect template in Nature, we have the template of our own cells and organs creating the biological body we live in!