Acquiring the true ability to research reality as it is — through the viewpoints of others
We live our life in a seemingly solid, Newtonian system with its vectors of time, space, motion.
At the same time since Einstein and further progress through quantum physics we received a hint that on the particle level, let’s say at the level of the basic building blocks of reality, completely different laws, operations apply above, independent of time, space, motion.
With our present egocentric, subjective mindset that anchors us to this Newtonian model, we don’t have any chance of actually entering, researching the quantum system which resembles “true reality”.
But we can change our mode of perception, we can gain a “quantum consciousness” if we rise above the original one - and escaping ourselves is possible only through others, through the desires, viewpoints of others in a unique, “laboratory-like”, purposeful and methodical environments (that work like Human particle accelerators).
And as soon as we observe reality above the inherent self-orientation, subjectivity, suddenly time, space and motion didn’t apply to us either.
Our Human uniqueness in Nature’s system is is the conscious ability of acquiring a dual perception, an actual, practical quantum perception above the original egocentric, subjective Newtonian one.
And then true scientific research becomes possible in the contrast, then we won’t need “theories” as we can stay reality as it is, tangibly, objectively!