Accepting “interdependence” with joy
The negative connotation of “co-dependency”
What our perpetual, deepening global crisis, and especially the lessons of the pandemic teach us, is that we will have to accept our evolutionary conditions — existing in a fully integrated and interdependent world — and start acting, rebuilding our world accordingly.
The problem is that the notion of being dependant on others has very negative connotations, almost everybody who actually experienced such dependency in their lives felt it, remembers is with horror. Thus the notion of interdependence does not awaken confidence positive aspiration in people even if we say that Nature forces us to live that way.
So perhaps we could change the notion “interdependence”, “co-dependency” to something else. In terms of the word, expression there is one that describes the state better, called “mutual guarantee” — meaning we are guarantors for each other in life.
Gradual, tangible, emotional impressions
But it is not easy as simply changing words, expressions, since whatever word we use our individualistic, subjective ego won’t like it. To get used to, or even like this unbreakable mutuality, reciprocity we will have to go through emotional impressions that will help us understand, feel, that although it is against our individualistic and egotistic reflexes, makeup and education, this mutual guarantee is actually good, desired.
First of all, this is not something we can choose as Nature — the integrated and interdependent world we exist in — obligates us. Besides we will see that this is the key, condition for our mutual, collective survival as we mutually complement each other.
Only then when we almost “grudgingly” agree to go with this mutual guarantee in order to survive and we establish the mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, will we start to sense that physical survival is actually “only” a positive bonus, “side-effect”.
Attaining a completely new, higher consciousness, perception
The real reward is the attainment of a completely different, qualitatively much higher, systemic, collective consciousness and perception of reality, living our inherent “single-cell” existence in our personal “Plato’s Caves” and entering the dimension of true, objective, undistorted consciousness and perception above any subjective, egocentric limitations of time, space and physical motion.
In theory it is nice but it won’t change us if we simply imagine these things.
This is why the unique, practical educational method we need to use provides immediate emotional impressions, mutual confidence, and realistic, tangible truth so we can “feel these changes unfolding in our bones”. Then we will be able to go against our instinctive resistance.
Then we will not even remember why and how we ever wanted to exist without mutual guarantee, sensing that our new, collective existence compares to the previous individualistic, egotistic one like a Human consciousness, perception compared to a single bug’s.