Absolute freedom
Question from the Internet:
“Isn’t it right, rather, that all human existence, even the freest, is limited and conditioned in many ways?”
It is right. In truth we don’t have any free choice, individual freedom. Whatever we imagine it’s completely illusory and the longer we fight for this illusory freedom, the more stubbornly we pursue it, the more problems, trouble, catastrophes we will encounter.
We are all “products" of Nature’s fully integrated, closed, lawful system, we still exist and evolve within this system in which humanity is but a single species.
And within humanity’s “body” we are all but single cells comprising a single organism.
The freedom we fight for, dream about — that we can make individual decisions, that we can act according to our inherently egocentric, subjective calculations despite living in a fully integrated, interdependent system — is the freedom of cancer; harmful, destructive.
Today we can see how much harm, destruction we are causing while making the usual individual, national, self-serving and subjective calculations, “solutions".
But we can reach a unique, total freedom, even elevating ourselves above the subjective, egocentric limitations of time, space and physical motion — if we learn how to liberate ourselves from the instinctive prison of our self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic egos.
By learning, implementing making calculations for the sake of others, unconditionally accepting, serving others, we could freely roam, experience, taste, understand life through the desires, viewpoints of all the other people we can connect to, dissolve into, without the selfish ego’s disturbance, interference.