A true democracy does not make mistakes
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
True democracy does not make mistakes, as it is a natural state, based and conducted according to nature’s fundamental, life-creating laws.
No modern human society has ever come to resembling “true democracy.”
In fact, only one human society lived in true democracy — according to nature’s laws of selfless mutual integration and mutual responsibility while also being in intimate contact and partnership with reality’s single, all-encompassing force-field and system of laws — the original Nation of Israel when they unconditionally committed themselves to a supernatural — above inherent human nature — unity and mutual guarantee, taking on themselves the self-developing method of the Torah.
All other human constructs — including the “liberal democracy” the Western world proudly represents, as well as all other “non-liberal” or “non-democratic” constructs — are the products of the inherently and 100% self-serving, self-justifying, exploitative, and hateful human nature that strives to exploit and control everything and everybody else.
The tragedy of the Jewish people and the State of Israel is that instead of reviving and following our unique life-method, the only method for human beings that can help us learn and implement how to exist and behave above and independent of the cancer-like human ego, we want to adopt the toxic and dying methods of others.
Israel needs to revive the original Jewish method not only for our own sake but also for the sake of humanity’s survival.