A practical method to make the world a better place
Question from the Internet:
“Would you participate in the campaign “make the world a better place”, or do you not believe in humanity anymore?”
I have 100% belief in humanity and in our collective future. I am just not sure what such a campaign would entail.
I do not think it is a campaign we need; we need a practical and step-by-step process that can take us to that “better world” in practice.
We see all the campaigns and noise about climate change, peace and everything else. We also see how much they achieve absolutely nothing.
If we want to make the world a better place, first of all, we have to make a brutally honest self-examination to recognize and accept why the world is not a “good place” today.
Only when we have already recognized and accepted that the root cause of all our historical and contemporary problems is our own inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic and exploitative nature, only then can we start to take steps to make the world a “better place” — by changing and further developing ourselves!
When we stop blaming and trying to change, correct, censor and destroy others or manipulate the world around us and solely focus on making ourselves a better fit for the globally integrated and interdependent human system, we will start getting closer to a “better world”. When we start rebuilding human interconnections and the fabric of human society based on Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated template, then we will see our problems being solved and a new, qualitatively much higher state of existence opening up before us.
A “better world” means a “Nature-like”, finely balanced and mutually integrated human society, where each and every individual makes calculations and acts only for the sake and wellbeing of the whole collective — above and against egocentric and individualistic calculations.
In the better, collective human world — that reaches similarity and mutual integration with Nature, we will start to sense existence together as a single entity, and we will acquire a “composite perception of reality” above the subjective and egocentric limitations of time, space and physical motion. We become Nature’s integrated and, at the same time, independent observers and partners seeing and feeling all the cause and effect processes that determine everything in life.
This is way beyond any campaign as we change basically everything in us and around us, but it is still something we can do here and now with the help of the right, purposeful and practical method.