A nice thing to do for another…
Question from the Internet:
“What is a nice thing we can do for others except give money?”
I think that the most “humane” thing to do for another person is to help one learn, recognize and fulfill one’s purpose in life.
In a generation where all previous goals and purpose is gone, when we triumphantly devour and destroy everything we had and have but at the same time have no other goals or reasons to exist — apart from blind and reckless overconsumption and trying to prove ourselves over others — it is actually and literally life-saving to help people find their purpose in life.
Who are we? Why are we born? Why are we actually called “humans” seemingly above and different from other animals? Is life only about accumulating and consuming as many selfish pleasures through an otherwise pointless life between involuntary birth and mostly involuntary death?
Helping people to din answers to these questions is the “nicest” and most important thing one can do for another in my opinion.