A divided world cannot survive global threats!
Question from the Internet:
“How can a divided world survive common threats?”
A divided world — where we all follow our inherently subjective, egocentric, self-serving and self-justifying calculations — cannot survive common, global threats.
As long as we continue blindly following our instinctive behavior and calculations, we will continue to slide towards a seemingly inevitable self-destruction.
We will either kill each other as the chances for world war, a nuclear war are increasing each and every day, or other global issues will exterminate us, since we simply cannot build and sustain the positive, constructive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections and cooperation global problem-solving depends on.
We are at very fragile and volatile crossroads in our human history. Either we find a way to consciously and willingly adapt to the strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws of Nature that sustain and govern the general balance and homeostasis life depends on, or we will not survival natural evolution.
Human beings are the only parts of Nature that have the conscious, proactive ability to recognize the system they exist in, assess and accept their inherent incompatibility with the system and then make purposeful and methodical self-adjustment, self-development to secure their survival.
But we have to humbly recognize and accept that by our instinctive lifestyle and behavior we will self-destruct ASAP, so we could finally start the conscious and proactive self-changes, self-upgrade according to Nature’s laws and its evolutionary plan.