A discussion about the uniqueness of Human behavior

Zsolt Hermann
4 min readAug 26, 2020


Opinion from the Internet about the evolutionary differences between Humans and apes:

“I see destructive behaviors, where chimpanzees terrorize and murder a rival tribe for no reason that I or the scientists studying them can definitively fathom. We (or at least I) cannot assume that this only happens since humanity “elevated” itself. is it simply the aforementioned tool for “keeping the natural balance”? If so, could not war serve the same purpose. It certainly seems to. And finally, is this behavior caused by the “selfish” egos such as humans have, or are they just being “triggered”, (a term we apply to humans frequently in psychological therapy)? How can one clarify the difference externally?

I also see where males of many species will attack the alpha male, which is likely instinctive behavior. However, from knowledge of what is in my own mind, and observed behaviors, I tend to assume that the behavior of politicians and others seeking power is instinctive in nature as well.

I also do not have the all-seeing wisdom that would enable me to declare that other animals do not have the individual “self-awareness” that humans have. From what I have seen, both in the wild and in domesticated pets, I fear that some may have more “self-awareness” than do I, however differently it may be expressed.

To be intellectually honest, I cannot even assume such about other humans, since I only see their actions and am not able to “walk in their shoes”, being only a mere human with my egocentric viewpoint.

I do not have the wisdom to believe that I understand reality to the depth that is needed to declare these features of nature as proven science. Empirically, I can make many statements. My own meditations and observations of humanity and nature, and my own questions about those, have given me an internal view of reality that I declare to be empirically proven. But in my own reality, the word “empirical” can be a synonym for Faith, depending on how it is used.

Finally, I feel like I am badgering, so I’ll stop. I’m afraid one of my flaws is being argumentative. I’m beginning to remind myself of the behavior of my cat, who argues, but in her own language of expression.

I have learned from our discussion. I always learn from polite discussions.”

Thank you I also think that such conversations are very important to examine things deeper.

I also agree with you that with our inherently introverted, subjective consciousness, perception of reality we can’t actually enter the superficial picture we see and examine the things I wrote about.

This is why I mentioned the unique science which can help us overcome our inherently egocentric, subjective bias, filters and start examining the Natural reality around us, and our own motivations, intentions to find our place in the system.

The most important element of this unique science — besides adjusting our viewpoint, making us able to see, understand things objectively — is examining the cause and effect processes.

Most of the time we are stuck in the consequences level without finding the cause. And since we try changing things, solving problems on the consequences level we fail again and again.

So if we go back to the parallel between chimpanzees and Humans for examples, though there are many similarities in behavior, and our DNA is the same over 90%, when we look at the evolution of the two species we see a dramatic difference.

Both species come from the same — so far unknown root — both originate from the same Natural environment, stubs the same time.

Then one remained almost completely unchanged for millions of years, while the other wants to colonize planets, “explores” black holes and faraway galaxies, and ponders about the meaning of life.

This is where the science of Kabbalah asks the question, “Why?!”. How are Humans different from chimpanzees, it any other animals regaining unchanged through evolution?!

Then when we examine Human behavior through historic examples, the motivations, driving forces, how we ourselves change as we develop, it is not so difficult to “extrapolate” that our proud individualism, insatiable desire to prove, increase self-esteem, to protect and elevate the self above everything and everybody — even by sacrificing physical life — makes us very different from other animals.

Even if chimpanzees fight, kill each other, they don’t go beyond their natural habitat, they don’t threaten other species, they don’t destroy Nature’s balance, they don’t want to take over the jungle threatening their own existence by that.

So while there are many similarities in terms of instinctive behavior, while animals, including apes, never leave the intrinsic balance in Nature they automatically keep, while Humans act consciously, unconsciously against Nature’s balance as cancer cells, threatening the whole system and themselves. So again the question arises, “Why?!”

And when Kabbalists set up such hypothesis they start their research, and this research is not about changing, dissecting the world it others around them, but they change, fine-tune themselves until they reach such similarity with Nature’s system that they can feel through themselves the cause and effect processes.

This is a little bit similar how Jane Goodall for example started to understands apes by living among them. But the depth of similarity, attainment a Kabbalists can achieve is even greater, wider.

And the Kabbalists’ primary focus is the Human level in Nature as through the Human level, sensing, perceiving everything through other Human beings opens up the whole Natural pyramid.

I hope this explains a bit more my earlier comments.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.