A change of perspective and a change of heart is needed for Humanity’s survival
Question from the Internet:
“Can perspective and a change of heart prevent a war?”
Yes. We have to change our inherently egocentric and subjective perspective to an altruistic and objective one, by changing our hearts from distinctive “self-love” to an acquired “love of others”.
These might sound like nice words, but these are actually obligatory principles Nature’s strict laws of mutual integration force on us.
Just like single-cell organisms made the evolutionary breakthrough millions of years ago toward much more successful and effective multi-cellular organisms according to evolution’s plan, in our generation humanity also has to make an ever greater evolutionary breakthrough from a selfish, individualistic existence towards a selfless, collective Human existence, creating an unprecedented Human “super-organism” with a single collective consciousness and perception of reality.
And again, this is obligated by Nature’s evolution which predetermined this single Human organism since we have to fulfil our unparalleled role in the system — to become Nature’s only fully conscious, mutually integrated and at the same time independent observers and partners.
This is the reason why we are born separated from each other with a strong sense of a proud and fierce individualism, this is why inherently we behave like cancer, surviving and succeeding at each other’s and Nature’s expense. This is why we also have a special Human intellect that is capable of recognizing the need to change and further develop ourselves in order to achieve what Nature’s evolution expects from us.
We are standing at the most exciting turning [point in Human history, taking our previously blind and instinctive development consciously into our hands, so we could justify ourselves being Human beings.