2021 — The True Value of The New Global Economy
A new story from my dear friend, Ernest Itzkovitch from Toronto:
Enough said on the Social Media and worldwide news — to keep our feet on the ground and take the next practical steps into 2021.
The uncertainty is definitely in effect — and our decisions may stem from the local situation in every country and the global recovery.
Needless to say that in these days — we are looking into the new reality not only through “my eyes” but from “the society eyes” too
The first question that may pop-up in the thoughts/minds of each of us: I am an individual — so what the society has to do with me?
Our answers may vary on a large scale and pretty much may depend on your personality: Am I self-oriented or an altruist person?
The main issue: How to determine the true value of our lives between basic needs up to redundant extras? How we will measure it?
The “Brand New World” will create new social-economical relations — new opportunities that will lead us to new calculations/formulas.
Top experts indicate on a Global Trend to “tighten the belts” — but there is also an increasing trend to look into a “security/safety belt” in a form of “basic income” that may be adopted by numerous countries in the world who look into the huge unemployment figures.
“Integral Education” — is the key for citizens of our New Integral World to get back to school and start a new altruistic based society.
The logic/reason behind “integration”- that Nature just proved us via Corona — that humanity has no other or a better choice for now.
Either by “freedom of choice” or “Laws of Nature” we should get ready to adopt and adapt to the new changes and new impacts.
Connection to Nature, Society & Environment — is humanity’s key for sustainability and survival, the same as in GPS > re-calculate !!!
The new fine balance “shifting global humanity from the Pre-Corona 50/Self Interest toward the Post-Corona 50/Altruism — is a “moving target” that can be achieved and monitored only by cooperation and collaboration from local to Global levels worldwide.
So — How may look at the new economic model of the 2021 labor market — obviously customized to specific populations and needs?
There are various programs for individuals who qualify to certain criteria for financial assistance i.e grants, bursaries, scholarships.
It seems, that such programs may need to undergo public scrutiny and revision in order to adjust them to include unemployed also.
The “rule of thumb” of every system is tested by the “weakest link” — means, provide and secure a basic income who are in need and encourage creativity by everybody to share their knowledge and experience.
Meanwhile, you may take an initiative and start to look into “ Integral Education” — where Round Table Workshops and Connection Circles will shape our new methods how to learn, study, listen and hear each other and appreciate Nature’s gift to unite & connect.