2020: Passover, Easter and Ramadan - United for a Historic Celebration as One
So far, nobody from the modern history could imagine that the 2020 world will celebrate these Top Three high holidays in the same way: in isolation.
Isolation is not the ideal way to celebrate high holidays, but in these days social distancing is a must for survival.
Why Nature chose isolation in order to create a new virtual reality for humanity and what is the next step ?
I believe that the answer for this question lies between us, some of the folks call it Force Majeur, conspiracy or just ignore it ?
It's the first time in the history that everybody is right and wrong at the same time - because nobody is able to tell a concrete and accurate answer when the Corona is over ?
We are on the verge of a massive shake-up and awakening of our hidden internal connection - that we not often pay attention to it.
What ? Internal connection ? is it another new term of the Brand New World in order to add to the Corona vocabulary of Ernest ?
Pretty close, but not exactly.
Internal Connection - is the shared air/oxygen pipe that all of are breathing (guess what happens if not?), this is the deepest commonly shared feeling of warmth, care, friendship, consideration, mutual responsibility - regardless the physical distance or barriers. You can sit in the subway near another passenger and feel him as transparent however you can share the same thought or feeling with a person that is far away of thousands of miles from you - but your thoughts and feelings are boiling in your body.
Some of the best prominent scientists in the world call the Corona - "The Global Social Virus", that Connects all Humanity as One.
You can agree or disagree- but fact is a fact, period. We are spending more time with our families, listen, hear and feel much more closer and start to get familiar with our internal qualities not only the external ones.
Now is the time to ask the questions that we did not bother too much to ask the before 2020:
What is the meaning of our life ? Who is controlling it - me or Nature ?
One Man in One Heart - this is the true and real connection between us - or during Passover (Pesah), Easter and Ramadan only ?
Are we heading toward Connection for Good (C4G) or facing another wave os unexpected surprise from Mother Nature ?
Will you agree that the world depends on you and me and the internal connection among us ?
Dr. Edward Deming, One of The Top Guru's in Quality Management Systems said: In God We Trust - all others must bring data.
Have a safe, healthy and joyful holiday season with your families, Ernest Itzkovich.