2020 could still become our best year in history!
Question from the Internet:
“Is 2020 as bad of a year as it seems?”
Everything depends on what we make out if it.
Most of the time for things to become better, especially when things are not going well, we need a wake-up call, a sort of “recognition of evil”, so we can’t ignore problems, postpone decisions any longer, but have to react and change things.
This is where we are now.
In truth our way if life, socio-economic system has been in perpetual crisis at least for decades, but we kept pretending as if everything was fine and with different manipulations, monetary packages, political agreements we could keep “returning to normal” and continue this Human system we live in.
Now the pandemic removed this option, pulling the carpet from underneath our feet. While politicians are still pledging trillions for different recovery packages, they actually don’t have that kind of money either now or in the future.
Quietly most of the non-essential, obsolete production, condition is disappearing, millions, billions of people are becoming unemployed.
Since the usual mind-numbing “circus and bread” system is failing on both counts, the masses are becoming frustrated, angry and spill onto the streets, while leaders have nothing to offer them - except war.
This is our very real, very actual, very threatening reality now which started to make at least a small minority of people sensitive enough to search for true solutions, changes instead of blindly repeating all the “solutions” that only make everything worse.
So gradually we need to understand as a result of this “rude awakening” that no political, economic, social changes or even wars can help us.
Since the root cause of all the problems is our own egocentric, individualistic and exploitative nature - that forces us towards excessive consumption, success, survival at each other’s and Nature’s expense - only changing ourselves can save us.
If we proactively, consciously accept the necessity of such self-changes, self-upgrade and we start to implement them - with the help of a unique, purposeful and practical educational program - then 2020 might be the most important year in Human history, shifting us towards a fully conscious, Nature-like development.